Nature Inspired Teacher Seasonal Membership

Experience the Joy of Nature-Based Education throughout the Year!

Join the Nature Inspired Teacher Seasonal Membership and transform your teaching with a vibrant community of educators dedicated to integrating nature into early childhood education.

This membership provides you with seasonal resources, activities, and support to bring the wonders of the natural world into your classroom all year long.

🍂 Expert-Led Workshops

Participate in exclusive, members-only workshops led by our founder April Zajko, M.Ed. With over twelve years of experience leading professional development, these trainings offer practical and actionable strategies to enhance your teaching practice.

Participants can attend the workshops live or watch the recordings in the student dashboard. For each season there will be three two hour online interactive workshops that will support you in implementing seasonal based curriculum and ideas of how to bring more nature into your teaching. In addition, there are six hours of self paced learning content in the student dashboard. 

🍂 Seasonal Curriculum Bundles

Receive a quarterly bundle of nature-inspired activities, lesson plans, and materials tailored to each season, helping you create engaging and educational experiences for your children.


🍂 Monthly Inspiration

Stay inspired with monthly newsletters packed with fresh ideas, seasonal tips, and success stories from fellow educators.


🍂 Private Community Support

Connect with a supportive community of like-minded educators. Share ideas, ask questions, and collaborate on projects that bring nature into your classroom.


🍂 Professional Development Hours

At the end of each season, participants who have attended the workshops and demonstrated evidence of completing the online lessons can earn up to 12 hours of professional development. 


🍂 Student Dashboard Access

All of the materials from the Nature Inspired Teacher Seasonal Membership are located in a student dashboard. 


🍂 Resource Library

Access a growing library of resources, including video tutorials, printable materials, and guides that align with early learning standards.


The Nature Inspired Teacher Seasonal Membership empowers teachers to create meaningful, nature-based learning experiences that foster curiosity, creativity, and a deep connection to the environment in young children.

By joining, you’ll gain the tools, knowledge, and community support needed to make nature an integral part of your teaching.


Currently enrolling for the Autumn Session of Nature Inspired Teacher Seasonal Membership

Autumn Session

(September - November) 

Enrollment is now open!

Autumn 2024 session begins September 15, 2024.

🍁 The live classes will be held on Mondays from 6-8pm EST. The dates for the Autumn sessions are planned for: Sept 16, Oct. 7, and Nov.11 🍁

Note: All the live sessions will be recorded and uploaded the next day into the student dashboard, so if you miss one you can still catch the replay!

Winter Session

(December - February) 

Enrollment opens November 15th, with a  December 1st start date

❄️ The live classes will likely be held on Mondays from 6-8pm EST. The dates for the Winter sessions will be announced before enrollment opens on November 15th. ❄️ 




Spring Session

(March - May) 

Enrollment opens February 15th, with a March 1st start date. Live class dates to be announced.

Summer Session

(June - August) 

Enrollment opens May 15th, with a June 1st start date. Live class dates to be announced.


Ready to bring nature into your classroom? Choose the enrollment option that best suits your needs and start your Nature Inspired Teacher journey today!

Single Season


Focus on a specific season and receive 3 months of curriculum and classroom support tailored to that time of year. Perfect for those who want to try out the membership and focus on a particular time of year.  Enroll now and start your nature inspired journey!


Full Year


Transform your teaching and inspire your students with the wonders of nature. Experience the benefits of nature based learning throughout all four seasons with our year long membership. Ideal for educators committed to integrating nature based learning year round. 


Got questions? 

Q&A for the Nature Inspired Seasonal Membership


What days / time will the live sessions be held?

The Autumn 2024 session officially begins September 15, 2024. The live classes for the membership will be held on Mondays from 6-8pm EST. The dates for the Fall sessions are already planned for: Sept 16, Oct. 7, and Nov.11

Dates for the Winter, Spring, and Summer sessions will be determined with the Annual members. 


What age range is this membership designed for?

This course is for Early Childhood Educators  who work with ages 3-6 years old. Extensions for the materials could be adapted for ages 2-8 but the trainings primarily focuses on preschool and kindergarten aged children.  

Will the Seasonal Membership be offered every year?  

The seasonal membership will be an ongoing offer of "Nature Inspired Teacher". It is a program that we plan to offer every year and new content will continue to be added to each season.  The trainings in the second year will be new and members help decide the topics! Participants who go through this first year of the membership will have the option to sign onto another year at an "alumni price" which will be half off the annual fee. 


Do participants have to renew annually?

Some students will likely feel like they got plenty out of year one and will not renew. Others will like having a supportive community and a voice and choice in the upcoming trainings. For those we choose to stay on for another year I will offer an "alumni price" (half off the annual fee). There will be no pressure to stay in the membership. 


What if I can't attend the live classes? 

All the live sessions will be recorded and uploaded the next day into the student dashboard so if you miss one you can still catch the replay! Past students have really enjoyed the engagement with their peers and to be able to ask questions and get support from April. 


How does access to the student dashboard work? 

Members of the Autumn 2024 session will have lifetime access to the "Autumn Session content” in the dashboard. Students can revisit the materials, recordings, and resources at any time. Annual Members will have lifetime access to the content from all four seasons. 


Can we get Professional Development credit for the trainings? 

Yes, at the end of each season students will receive a Certificate of Completion with the number of hours that they have completed as a combination of online in real time and completed on their own watching content in the dashboard. Each season you can earn 12 hours, so annual members can earn a total of 48 hours. Each season will be its own certificate so you can earn four different certificates. 


Will this Professional Development count for Vermont Early Childhood Educators through Northern Lights and BFIS? YES! April Zajko, M.Ed. is a Master Level trainer and sponsor and will submit your attendance directly to Northern Lights at the end of each season! 


Will this Professional Development count for my state?  Since each state's ECE system works differently, Nature Inspired Teacher, is not able to guarantee that the certificate of completion from this professional development opportunity will count. It is your responsibility to verify that the hours will count. The only state that we currently submit attendance verification to is Vermont. 

Can this count as a college class? Sorry, the membership is not considered a college class. April does teach a variety of college classes on nature based topics and she announces those in her weekly newsletter. 


Still have a question or two you want answered? Reach out directly to April for support - [email protected]  April is happy to answer your questions, and will respond within 24-48 hours! 


Nature Inspired Teacher

Embracing nature. Empowering educators. Enriching childhood.